Child Application - Form-V2

New Child Name Change

*Note: Please include any Middle Names with the Forename

Parent / Guardian - Forename(s) (*)

Invalid Input
Parent / Guardian -Surname (*)

Invalid Input
Relationship to Child (*)

Invalid Input
Gender of Child (*)

Invalid Input
Current Forename(s) (*)

Invalid Input
Current Surname (*)

Invalid Input
New Forename(s) (*)

Invalid Input
New Surname (*)

Invalid Input
Date of birth:
Invalid Input Invalid Input Invalid Input

Town / Place of Birth (*)

Invalid Input
Country of Birth (*)

Invalid Input
Type of Deed Poll Required: (*)

Invalid Input
Paper Deed Poll - £13.99
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1 Deed Poll + 4 Legal Copies - £19.99
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1 Deed Poll + 9 Legal Copies - £28.99
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1 Deed Poll + 19 Legal Copies - £35
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Paper Deed Poll - 16.99
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1 Deed Poll + 4 Legal Copies - £19.99
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1 Deed Poll + 9 Legal Copies - £28.99
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1 Deed Poll + 19 Legal Copies - £35
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International Delivery - £10
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Invalid Input

Invalid Input
When You Change Name: (*)
Invalid Input
Invalid Input

Your Residential Address (*)

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
City (*)

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Postcode (*)

Invalid Input
Country (*)

Invalid Input

Postal Address - if different:

Post to above address?

Invalid Input
Postal Address:

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Contact Information

Telephone (*)

Invalid Input
Email (*)

Invalid email address
Any Other Information

Invalid Input

Information Preview

Parent / Guardian Name: .
Relationship: .
Gender: .
Current Name: .
New Name: .
Place of Birth: , .
Date of Birth: / / .
If Deed Poll is for a previous name change then:
Date of Name Change: / .

Home Address: .  .  .  .  .  .
Postal Address (if different):    .  .  .  .  .  ..

Telephone: .
email: .
Any Other Information: .

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